Ministry and Mission Videos
As part of our overall training and equipping for ministry, we involve the students in our Steppin' Out ministry and mission trips.
Not only does this experience broaden the Christian experience of the student but is valuable in exposing the student to the work which needs to be done by them in this hurting world.
Steppin' Out Promo, Jersey
Brenda Rhensius singing 'I will never be the same again' (with lyrics) from Hillsong
Jason Rhensius - This Is The Day (including lyrics)
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Steppin' Out - Bulembu, Swaziland
CLC is providing material (free of charge) for the training and equipping of students in many parts of the world. In addition, through Steppin' Out Ministries we are working alongside ethical leaders in many poor, underprivileged areas of Africa providing food, shelter, transport, etc. (see newsletters).
Your financial help therefore would be very much appreciated.
Of course your prayers are treasured more than anything else.