Welcome to Christian Life College (‘CLC’)
It is the desire of CLC leadership to serve the church by training, equipping and empowering each student to do great works in the name of Jesus Christ; in their local fellowship, their community and “to the ends of the earth”, irrespective of denomination and regardless of intellectual skills and abilities, age or any other considerations.
We are committed to encouraging each student to achieve their potential in Christ and fulfil the call on their lives.
CLC Invitation
As part of our training (through our Steppin' Out Missions arm), depending upon the individual gifting of the students, we promote, organise, and actually perform Christian concerts both locally and overseas. Check them out.
Steppin' Out Promo, Jersey
Apart from running bible colleges in various parts of the world, (largely Africa at present), we also take students on overseas missions where we hold outreaches and minister to underprivileged, vulnerable and orphaned children and elderly. (see videos)
Steppin' Out - Bulembu, Swaziland
CLC is providing material (free of charge) for the training and equipping of students in many parts of the world. In addition, through Steppin' Out Ministries we are working alongside ethical leaders in many poor, underprivileged areas of Africa providing food, shelter, transport, etc. (see newsletters).
Your financial help therefore would be very much appreciated.
Of course your prayers are treasured more than anything else.